I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of love and family time. This Christmas was truly a blessing for me. In all honesty the past two Christmases were hard. With my mom's cancer diagnosis we all feared that it might be our last together as a family. There was very little shopping, baking and holiday fun. Our days were instead filled with doctors appointments, trips to Mexico for my mom's treatment, and many tears.
My mom has been cancer free for almost a year, and the joy surrounding this Christmas was such a blessing. It makes me a little teary just thinking about how far my mom has come in the past two years; from being given the worst possible diagnosis to being cancer free two years later. Only God could do that!!!
Some funny highlights of this Christmas with my mom:
- Shopping with my mom. This might not seem like a big deal but she literally shopped one day last Christmas and none the year before. I have always loved shopping with her and finding all of the perfect gifts, and this year she was back to shopping almost everyday the week before Christmas. I would drop everything I was doing just to walk around the mall with her and all the other crazies.
- Baking homemade cinnamon rolls with mom on Christmas eve at midnight. We were delirious but hey turned out sooooo good!
- Two hours spent trying to find the perfect boots for my sister in one store....we probably tried on 30 pairs of boots.
And a few pictures:
{Christmas Eve sunrise on the beach} |
{Love these ladies} |
{Christmas Eve} |
{Doesn't my mom look fantastic?} |
{She even looks great in her leopard pajamas at 8am...dont kill me for putting this up} |
{Christmas Pups} |
{Our little family} |
{Bailey and Christine on Christmas morning} |
I will be back tomorrow with an adorable gender reveal party!